Teen Reach Adventure Camp

Camas, WA  ~  serving Clark County

we need You

Teen Reach Adventure Camps are 100% volunteer run and 100% of all funds donated to camps go directly to the operating expenses of the camp.   The camp is operated under the 501(c)(3) of Three Days for Hope in Camas so that all monetary donations are fully tax deductible.  All funds donated are placed directly into a bank account specifically and solely for our camp. 

In order to be able to have full camps every summer, we need regular sponsors in addition to those who respond to our fundraising events.

Sponsorship Levels

Below are some ways that you can sponsor a camper or an activity for one of the two camps we will host each summer:

  • Rent camp facility for one camp - $4,800
  • Provide a special event rental for one camp - $1,500 to 2,000
  • Utility vehicle rental for one camp - $750
  • Provide an animal encounter activity for one camp - $500
  • Sponsor one camper to attend camp - $625
  • Provide one dinner for all campers and staff - $200
  • Provide craft supplies for one camper - $50 to $100
  • Purchase t-shirt, backpack, lanyard and other SWAG for one camper - $35
  • Provide a camper with a Bible - $20
  • Cover the cost of a photo memory book for one camper - $10

These are just some tangible suggestions.  We gladly and gratefully accept all donations.

Making a Donation

Make the most of your donation by sending a check payable to Three Days for Hope/T.R.A.C. Camas.  

Mail Checks to:

T.R.A.C. Camas
c/o Three Days for Hope
3242 NE 3rd Ave, Suite 1114
Camas, WA 98607

If you have access to items to donate (camp supplies, things for our camp store, food, etc.), or would like to provide in-kind items, please email our camp director for more information.

Please consult a tax advisor about limitations or restrictions on tax deductions for purchased items and in-kind donations.​

We are in the process of updating our system to a different online service.  Please check back later for credit card or debit card donations.